Nestle Porridge 8 Cereals Stage 2 + 6m 600 gr

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Delicious 8-brain porridge for babies from 6 months of age, which contains fiber and iron to meet the nutritional needs of the smallest of the house.

Regular Price: €4.89


Content Price: 0.06€/10g

Regular Price: €4.89


Content Price: 0.06€/10g


Content Price: 0.06€/10g


Nestle Porridge 8 Cereals Stage 2 + 6m 600 gr

This porridge is made with whole grains that are a natural source of fiber, vitamins and minerals.

Ideal for your baby from 6 months , this oatmeal porridge contains the necessary nutrients for their growth.

Also, apart from Bifidus Lactis, it has iron, zinc, and vitamins A and C.

No added sugars . Contains those naturally present.

Without palm oil.

It dissolves easily and has a pleasant taste.

Technical description

Harinas (98,8%) [trigo hidrolizada, trigo integral (grano completo)(23,6%), avena integral (grano completo)(10,2%), cebada, centeno, maíz, espelta, arroz, triticale], aceites vegetales (girasol, girasol alto oleico, nabina), sales minerales (carbonato cálcico, fumarato ferroso, sulfato de zinc, yoduro potásico), vitaminas (C, E, niacina, B1, A, B6, ácido fólico, D), aroma (vainillina) y bifidobacterias (Bifidobacterium lactis). Contiene gluten. Puede contener leche.

Pharmaceutical review

ALÉRGENOS: Contiene gluten. Puede contener leche.

Mode of use


1.Lava tus manos antes de preparar la comida del bebé. Usa solo utensilios bien limpios.

2.Vierte en un bol/plato 160 ml de leche tibia.

3. Añade 25 g (4 o 5 cucharadas soperas) de NESTLÉ 8 Cereales.

4. Remueve con un tenedor y la papilla ya está lista. Sin necesidad de cocción.


1. Añade al biberón 4-5 cucharadas soperas (25g-30g) de Nestlé 8 cereales en 160ml-190ml de leche tibia.

2. Agita el biberón para conseguir una mezcla homogénea.

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