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Nestle 8 Cereals with Honey Porridge Stage 2 + 6m 900 gr

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Baby porridge for children over six months made up of six types of cereals with honey. With the necessary nutrients for the correct growth and development of your baby. Savings format of 900 grams.


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Regular Price: €9.77


Content Price: 0.09€/10g


Content Price: 0.09€/10g


Nestle 8 Cereals with Honey Porridge Stage 2 + 6m 900 gr

This porridge is made with whole grains that are a natural source of fiber, vitamins and minerals, as well as honey.

Ideal for your baby from 6 months , this oatmeal porridge contains the necessary nutrients for their growth.

Also, apart from Bifidus Lactis, it has iron, zinc, and vitamins A and C.

No added sugars . Contains those naturally present.

Without palm oil.

It dissolves easily and has a pleasant taste.

Technical description

Harinas (88,2%) [trigo hidrolizada, trigo integral (grano completo)(10,5%), avena integral (grano completo)(5%), cebada, centeno, maíz, espelta, arroz y triticale], miel (9,4%), aceites vegetales (girasol alto oleico, girasol y nabina), sales minerales (carbonato cálcico, fumarato ferroso, sulfato de zinc y yoduro potásico), vitaminas (C, E, niacina, B1, A, B6, ácido fólico y D), aroma (vainillina) y bifidobacterias (Bifidobacterium lactis).

Pharmaceutical review

ALÉRGENOS: Contiene gluten. Puede contener leche.

Mode of use


1.Lava tus manos antes de preparar la comida del bebé. Usa solo utensilios bien limpios.

2.Vierte en un bol/plato 160 ml de leche tibia.

3. Añade 25 g (4 o 5 cucharadas soperas) de NESTLÉ 8 Cereales.

4. Remueve con un tenedor y la papilla ya está lista. Sin necesidad de cocción.


1. Añade al biberón 4-5 cucharadas soperas (25g-30g) de Nestlé 8 cereales en 160ml-190ml de leche tibia.

2. Agita el biberón para conseguir una mezcla homogénea.

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