Health & Hygiene - Polysianes - Outlet

Personal hygiene is a basic aspect for the preservation of health and wellbeing. Correct body, facial, dental, ocular, nasal, capillary and ear hygiene is essential to enjoy a good quality of life. To live this way of live, choose the right products depending on your skin type, and ... Take care of your hygiene! Your health will thank you a lot. Here, you will find everything that is necessary for the daily hygiene of the whole family. Soaps, gels, shampoos, toothbrushes, toothpaste, mouthwash, floss, swabs, sea water, conditioners ... You can also find the best repellent products on the market and everything you need so you will not let any product out of your hygiene kit.

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Polysianes te trae aceites de maravillosas texturas para tu piel y cabello, ideales para protegerte e hidratarte durante todo el verano. El número uno de ventas de la marca es el aceite de belleza de monoï morinda, por su perfume tan especial y por sus propiedades tan hidratantes y nutritivas que nos transporta a las islas paradisiacas de la polinesia. Protégete del sol, hidrata tu piel y siéntete la más bella del verano con Polysianes!