Cosmetics and beauty - Relec - Nuestras marcas - Outlet - Nuestras marcas

At our Cosmetics and Beauty department, we provide you a wide and varied types of care so you can feel more beautiful both inside and out . Specific accessories and products for each body part to enhance your beauty. Anti-wrinkle, firming creams, serums, exfoliants, mastics, anti-acne, anti-blemishes, eye contour ... Everything you need to be and feel really beautiful without giving up about your health.

You will find a section entirely dedicated to Natural Cosmetics. Products free of parabens, formulated with natural ingredients, that enchant lovers of natural products. At Mifarma, we also think about our male customers . Go directly to the Men department and find out what cosmetics can do for you and for your self-esteem.

Ningún insecto estará a salvo con Relec. Fórmulas adaptadas a las necesidades de adultos y de los más pequeños: seguridad y eficacia ,te ofrecen ¡hasta 6 horas de protección! Para una protección prolongada en zonas sin riesgo de enfermedades tropicales. Disfruta en familia, haciendo deporte al aire libre, en tus viajes y vacaciones con la seguridad que te ofrece el repelente de mosquitos RELEC.